New Opportunities Require a New View: Let’s Make Some Lemonade, Folks! 


You can bet your sweet tushy I’m making lemonade with my sour lemons!

I could dwell on my sour lemons, focus on the how they won’t be amazing in my Saturday cocktail of choice, or feel defeated that my tree didn’t produce a sweet one.

What’s serving me in those thoughts?

A big fat NOTHING.

But if I change my viewpoint, I can see that the opportunity here is to add a little sugar, some water, and then I have something new (and very tasty, too!). By looking for the opportunity in the situation I can see other available options.

It didn’t work out the way you wanted. What was your role in it?

What things or people are you dwelling on that you have zero control over?

How can you view the outcome through the lens opportunity?

If you want to learn how best to make some lemonade, reach out, and let’s see how we can best work together.

Level 7