5 Tips To Gain More Control In A Time Of Uncertainty

I found this article by Dr. Doreen Marshall, initially when I was researching for last month's Top 10 Self Care Check, but now when I reread it one month into physical distancing, I see this article in a new way. I find her suggestions to be more thought-provoking and consequently, more challenging that other short pieces that I have read.

I'm finding it very challenging to stay present with my children during this time, and Marshall challenges me to remain present. She inspires me to practice mindfulness in my experiences with them, rather than to think of our time together as one more thing "to do." To put this into action, I'm choosing to start with one experience per child for 10 minutes each day, where I'm 100% at the moment with them. 

How can you create a micro-actions that allow you to connect more or to de-stress? My clients decide on a micro-actions when we close out our session together. To challenge their goal, I ask a few questions:

  • Why is this important now?

  • What could get in the way of achieving this?

  • How will you feel once you accomplished your micro-action? 

Their goal is small, achievable, and something they think will create a shift in their life. I hope that one of the five tips included in this article inspires you to create a micro-goal to practice for one week. Please let me know if this article inspires you in some way as well. 



Tracy Pajer