Being Your Best Self In This Time Of Crisis
Each moment presents us with the option to focus on what we can control and also gives us a chance to let go of areas in which we can not control. We do have control of our mental health and self-care. We can practice mindsets and behaviors to keep us sane or ignore them and feel the tension build. Here are ten tips to boost your mental wellness and self-care practice.
Be honest. Be honest with yourself, your team, and your family about the struggles that we are each facing right now.
Move outside. Take a 10-minute power walk or engage in an outside activity to boost energy and increase your happiness.
Talk about your fears. By sharing what you are afraid of, you will create deeper connections, decrease stress, and build empathy.
Take a breath. Then take a bigger breath, hold your breath, and exhale slowly.
De-stress. Relax at least 30-minutes before bedtime so you can sleep 7-8 hours per night.
Adopt a growth mindset. What can you learn from today to make tomorrow better?
Be still. Try listening to a recorded meditation.
Create a plan. Try picking one area in your life to improve upon and prepare for it by creating a plan; "if x, then implement y." Implement, reflect, make a change, and try again.
Un-plug. Turn off the news and social media alerts on your phone and computer.
Be kind to yourself. In this time of uncertainty, we are taking on new roles and maybe adapting to the loss of income, so let's practice kindness and patience with ourselves.
If you want to talk about how to implement these strategies into your life, schedule a complimentary power session with me. I've opened additional time in my schedule due to the crisis we are all facing.
If you found this article helpful, check out a related blog titled, “New Opportunities Require A New View”.